Weekly Announcements
For Friday, December 27, 2024
Fill out a CONNECT CARD to sign-up for our weekly announcement emails.
Churchwide News
Sunday School for all ages this Sunday from 10:15-11 AM. See the list of classes for all ages on the back page of your Sunday bulletin. And you can visit the hallway Connections Spot on Sunday for further information. NOTE: This Sunday there is NO Sunday School. Classes will resume on January 5, 2025.
The church office will be closed December 31 and January 1 - for the New Years holiday.
Martha’s Retirement Celebration! All are invited to celebrate on Sunday, January 12, in Fellowship Hall. Drop in anytime between 3 & 5 p.m. to wish her well. A Card/Gift Table will be available or there will be a shared gift for those wishing to do so. You can give online from here, or drop a check off to the church office: check payable to FPC Beaver and designate “Martha gift”.
Backpack Program taking a break till after Christmas: WE WILL BEGIN AGAIN IN JANUARY! Better Together partners with BASD National Honor Society provides snacks & ready made meals for children in grades K-12, who are at risk for hunger over the weekends. For a donation list, or how to simply donate funds, click here. Drop off weekly to the main office.
We are now accepting end of the year gifts. You can give online from our website. December 30 is the 2024 giving end date.
Learn more about the Welcome Home Ministry... An outreach helping provide furniture and resources to empower people to start over when they have experienced loss and hardship. Visit fpcbeaver.com/welcomehome.
A new ministry to our county: Community Home Rehabilitation Crew (CHRC). We intend to provide home repairs for individuals in our county. If you wish to be part of this volunteer ministry--handy or not--please head to our website for more information, to volunteer or to make a donation (CHRCrew.org). For questions or you're in need of a simple home repair, contact Dale Yakish (daleyakish@gmail.com) or Pastor Arnold (pastorjeffarnold@gmail.com).
If you or a loved one want the Pastoral Staff to know that you need care or a visit, email us at hospital@fpcbeaver.com. If you do not have access to email, contact the church office so that the pastor on call can be contacted.
Did you know that FPC has a Church App? Be sure to download it here. Just another great way to stay connected!
Stephen Ministers are waiting: Don’t struggle alone… Stephen Ministers are available to walk with you. Call 412-974-3168.
The FPC Deacons are here to help with needs. If you have a situation that you need help with, contact the church office or Trisha (412-496-3088 / trishagood@gmail.com).
Order flowers for worship: Reserve a date by signing up in the main office. Dates are honored on a first come/first serve basis. Please Note: refer to instructions on the clipboard in the office. Contact Lucinda Pelka (lpelka@fpcbeaver.com) with questions.
Please fill out our Pew Pads on Sunday mornings! We pass these around during offering time—please fill these out EVERY Sunday so we can be sure you stay current in our records and receive our mailings. Whether you are a member, regular attendee or a visitor - there is a lot going on here at FPC, we don’t want to miss anyone.
The Adult Discipleship Committee is asking the congregation to fill out the this survey about Adult Sunday School. This helps us to further develop our Sunday School Ministry.
Sunday School, from 10:15-11 AM. There is NO Sunday School this Sunday. It will resume on January 5. New January Term class descriptions are here if you want to preview.
Pickle Ball for Men and Women is coming on Friday nights, 8-10 PM, beginning Jan. 3 at the Bradys Run Indoor facility. Join us! There is a $5 (recommended) donation to play. You can sign up here to play.
The Next Generation Conference coming: Make plans to join us Saturday, Jan. 11, from 8:30 AM-12:30 PM. This conference is designed by our ministry team to equip our congregation to authentically model and teach the truth, love and power of the gospel to the next generation. Details and registration here.
Young Adult Lunch - All young adults (college students on break, please come too!) are invited to join us to connect with others over lunch on Sunday, January 19, 12:15-1:30 PM, in the Commons! Whether you are already involved or have just started looking to join a Bible study or Prayer Group, please join us for lunch together! Sign up here.
New Members Class coming on February 5 during the Sunday School hour, 10:15-11 AM. This 7-week course is moving, interactive and informative! You will meet FPC elders and church leaders, and learn what membership entails at our church. You can pre-register now by clicking here. We look forward to seeing you there! (Note: required for membership.)
Adult Information
Get plugged into a Small Group – This is an excellent opportunity to study scripture, pray with others and learn to live together in loving and caring communities. If you are not currently in a small group and would like to be in one as we come into the fall, we encourage you to register here. You can choose to register for a men’s, women’s, or co-ed group. Contact Martha Schartner with questions.
Men’s Ministry here at FPC! Get involved in a men’s discipleship group. You can sign up here and join in anytime!
Faith in Action is still in need of more volunteer drivers! NO requirement of how many rides you would need to provide - as this volunteer program is very flexible. Contact Carla McKrell at (814) 450-3985. Driving is mainly within Beaver and Brighton Twp. (Faith in Action is a special ministry that provides rides to older citizens who are shut in. Generally, these rides are provided for those 60 and over.)
Looking for Greeters! An easy and rewarding way to serve with a smile. If you’re already here on Sunday mornings – why not bring joy by welcoming congregants into worship. It is a once-a-month opportunity to serve. We are looking for 4 volunteers for the 11:15 Sanctuary service. Contact Lucinda (lpelka@fpcbeaver.com).
High School & Middle School:
Sunday School from 10:15-11 AM. High School meets on the third floor, Middle School guys in Room 204, and girls in 202. NOTE: There will NOT be Sunday School on December 29. Will resume in 2025 on January 5!
High School Youth Group (grades 9-12) held on Sunday evening from 6:45-8:45, will resume on January 5.
High School Students: Get ready for the EPiC Retreat on January 24-26, at Ligonier Camp. Cost is $130. Get more info and register now from here.
Middle School Youth Group (grades 6-8) held on Wednesdays from 6:45-8:30 PM, will resume on January 8.
Confirmation class starts January 5 during the Sunday School hour. This is for any students in 9th grade or above to explore their relationship with Jesus and deepen their trust in Him. Then the opportunity to profess their faith to our congregation and become members of the church. Info and sign up here.
Student Information
Make sure to register your student(s) for ministry and check off all parental release info by clicking here.
Get current MS calendar by clicking here.
Get current HS calendar by clicking here.
Remember to always join us on Remind @fpchsyg22 or follow us on Instagram to get locations each week.
Stay connected - Remind codes are:
High School @fpchsyg2
Middle School @fpcmsy
Sunday school (age 2-5th grade) this Sunday at 10:15 AM. Join us as we journey through “THE STORY”. NOTE: There will NOT be Sunday School on December 29. Will resume in 2025 on January 5!
Happy New Year to all our families & volunteers!
SPARKS (K-2nd) held on Mondays from 4:30-5:30 PM, resumes on January 6.
QUEST (3rd-5th) held on Thursdays from 6:30-8 PM, resumes on January 9.
Children’s Information
The 2025 winter/spring calendar is here for you to view/print.
Make sure to register your child(ren) for ministries and check off all parental release info by clicking here.