At First Presbyterian Church, we have a vibrant student ministry, with a full time staff member, several full time summer interns, and a significant, dedicated group of adult volunteer leaders. Our goal is to equip our students to know Christ and to live for his glory as we prepare, along with families, to launch them into adulthood.

Student Ministry at First Presbyterian Church provides an opportunity for learning and growing in a rich and deep community of faith. Our Middle School and Senior High Youth Groups meet weekly, with games, worship, teaching, and small group learning part of their experience. Students also have the opportunity to serve on a Student Leadership Team and lead a variety of ministry teams. Contact Cory Longenecker (Student Ministry Director), for more information on High School and Middle School. Or fill out a Connect Card!

Scroll to bottom of this page for calendars and registration.

 Student Ministry Rhythms

  • Youth Group

    Youth Group is our large group gathering each week during the school year. This is a time for fun, community, and learning about God together through teaching, worship, and small group discussions.

    High School Youth Group (9th - 12th grade) meets on the 3rd floor on Sunday nights from 6:45 to 8:45 PM during the school year.

    Middle School Youth Group (6th - 8th grade) meets on the 3rd floor on Wednesday nights from 6:45 to 8:30 PM during the school year.

  • Guys & Girls Groups

    Our heart is for students to have a space to explore their faith in community with others and smaller groups are one of those places.

    At High School Youth Group, we break out into smaller groups after the teaching to discuss. There are also girls and guys small groups that meet during the week throughout the year.

    Occasionally, we host Grace Nights that are planned fun activities broken out in smaller groups.

  • Sunday School

    During the school year (Sept.-May), Sunday School for all ages (0-109!) is offered from 10:15 to 11:00 AM between the services.

    Raising disciples and providing opportunities for students to learn and grow in their faith is a key value of our ministry.

    Middle School Guys - Room 204 // Middle School Girls - Room 202

    High School - Third Floor Youth Room

  • Friendships & Community

    We have students from all different backgrounds involved in our youth ministry and there’s a seat at the table for everyone! During the year there’s a myriad of fun, casual events, and activities that create space for friendships and community. Check out our upcoming events or download the complete calendar for student ministries for the semester!

  • Mentorship

    We have an incredible team of dedicated adults who serve in our youth ministry, as well as opportunities for students to mentor and lead.

  • Community Partnerships

    Each year looks a little different, but there are many opportunities to engage with the community through our Student Ministry. Partnering with local non-profits and ministries and assisting with needs within our church community are all part of our rhythms as a student community.

Upcoming Student Ministry Events

Click below on the event to find out more information and register.

Follow Us on Instagram @fpcbeaver_students